日期:2023-06-19 09:38 點擊:
dad (daddy) n. 爸爸
daily [?de?l?] a.ad.n. 每日的;日常的;每天;日報
daily life 日常生活
dance [dɑ?ns; (US) dæns] n.&vi. 跳舞
dance music 舞曲
A group of aunts are dancing on the square.
danger [?de?nd??] n. 危險
in danger 處于危險中
in danger of 處于......的危險中
The building is in danger of collapse (倒塌).
out of danger 脫離危險。
After the treatment, he is now out of danger. 經過治療,他已經脫離危險了。
dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] a. 危險的
dark [dɑ?k] a. 黑暗;暗處;日暮;黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的
before/after dark 天黑之前/之后
date [de?t] n. 日期;約會
date from/back to 追溯到(某一時間)
The Great Wall dates back to Qin Dynasty.
daughter [?d??t?(r)] n. 女兒
day [de?] n. 天; 日;白天
day by day 一天天地,逐日地
Spring is coming and the weather gets warmer day by day.
one day (過去或將來的)某一天:
You will regret one day if you don’t work hard.
the other day 幾天前
He can’t be abroad, I met him on the street the other day.
the day before yesterday 前天
the day after tomorrow 后天
these days 如今
day off 休息日
dead [ded] a. 死的;無生命的
deaf [def] a. 聾的
deaf-aid 助聽器
deal [di?l] v. 量,數額;交易
deal with 對付,處理
How will you deal with the problem?
a great deal of+不可數名詞 大量的......
I have a great deal work to do.
dear [d??(r)] a. 親愛的
December [d??semb?(r)] n. 十二月
decide[d??sa?d] v. 決定;下決心
He decided to leave for Guangzhou alone.
decision [d??s??(?)n] n. 決定;決心
decide on 決定
make a decision 作出決定
deep [di?p] a. ad. 深的;深;深厚
degree [d??ɡri?] n. 程度;度數;學位
delicious [d??l???s] a. 美味的,可口的
dentist [?dent?st] n.牙科醫(yī)生
There is something wrong with my son’s teeth.He needs to see the dentist.
depend [d??pend] vi. 依靠;依賴;指望;取決于
depend on 取決于
She depends on you to help her.
describe [d??skra?b] vt. 描寫,敘述
The police asked me to describe exactly what it happened.
desk [desk] n. 書桌,寫字臺
at desk 在學習
develop [d??vel?p] v.vt. (使)發(fā)展;(使)發(fā)達;沖洗(照片)
developing adj. 發(fā)展中的
developed adj. 發(fā)達的
She is taking a course to develop her computer skills.
development[d??vel?pm?nt] n. 發(fā)展;發(fā)達;發(fā)育;開發(fā)
The development of the medicine industry will take several years.醫(yī)藥工業(yè)的發(fā)展要經過幾年的時間。
dialogue [?da??l?ɡ; (US) ?da??l??ɡ](AmE dialog) n. 對話
diary [?da??r?] n. 日記;日記簿
keep a diary 記日記
dictionary [?d?k??n?r?; (US) ?d?k??ner?] n. 詞典,字典
look up…in the dictionary 在字典里查閱......
die [da?] v. 死
Last year he died of lung cancer.
difference [?d?f?r?ns] n. 不同
make a difference between A and B 區(qū)別對待A和B
different[?d?f?r?nt] a. 不同的,有差異的
be different from 和......不同
difficult [?d?f?k?lt] a. 難的;艱難的;不易相處的
近義詞辨析:difficult /hard
difficult 和 hard 都有“困難的”意思,區(qū)別是diffficult側重于智力上的難題,hard 側重體力上的困難。
It is hard for me to climb up the hill alone.
The problem is difficult for me to work out.
difficulty[?d?f?k?lt?] n. 困難;費力
have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困難
We have difficulty (in) passing the exam.
dig(dug, dug) [d?ɡ] v. 挖(洞、溝等);掘
dining n. 吃飯,就餐
dinner [?d?n?(r)] n. 正餐,宴會
at dinner 在吃飯期間
direct [d??rekt, da??rekt] a.vt. 直接的;直達的;直截了當的;指揮;指導;監(jiān)督;管理;指揮(演奏);導演(電影)
I directed the traveler to the college.我告訴了這個旅行者去學院的路。
Who directed the film “Gone with wind?” 電影《飄》是誰導演的?
direction [d??rek?(?)n, da??rek?(?)n] n. 方向;方位
director [d??rekt?] n. 導演,部門負責人
dirty [?d??t?] a. 臟的
discover[d??sk?v?(r)] vt. 發(fā)現
The lost bike was discovered at the bus stop.
discovery [d??sk?v?r?] n. 發(fā)現
discuss[d?s?k?s] vt. 討論,議論
discuss sth. with sb. 和某人討論某事
Jack was discussing the game with his friends when I got there.
discussion [d?s?k??(?)n] n. 討論,辯論
under discussion 正在討論中
disease [d??zi:z]n. 疾??;弊病
a serious disease 嚴重的疾病
dish [d??] n. 盤,碟;盤裝菜;盤形物
divide [d??va?d] vt. 分;劃分
divide…into… 把…...和…...分開
The teacher divided our class into four groups.
do(did, done) [d?, du?] v.&aux.v 做,干(用以構成疑問句及否定句。第三人稱單數現在時用does)
do a good job 干得不錯
He did a very good job in the exams. 他的考試成績考得很好。
do one’s best 盡自己最大努力
If you want to pass the exam, you must do your best from now on.要想通過考試,從現在開始你必須盡自己最大努力。
do some shopping 購物
do well in 在……方面干得好
He did badly in English , but he does well in it now .
do with 處置,對付
What will you do with it?你會怎么處置它呢?
doctor [?d?kt?(r)] n. 醫(yī)生,大夫;博士
see a doctor 看醫(yī)生
dog[d?ɡ; (US) d??ɡ] n. 狗
Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意日。
dollar [d?l?] n. 元(美國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國貨幣單位)
door [d??(r)] n. 門
out of doors 在戶外
double [?d?b(?)l] a.n. 兩倍的;雙的;兩個;雙
doubt [da?t] n.&vt. 懷疑;疑惑
without doubt 無疑地
I doubt whether he will come.
down [da?n] prep.ad. 沿著,沿……而下;向下
download [?da?n?l??d] v.下載
downstairs [?da?n?ste?z] n. 樓下 adj. 樓下的 adv. 在樓下
fall downstairs 從樓梯上摔下
draw(drew, drawn) [dr??] v. 繪畫;繪制;拉,拖;提取(金錢)
Mary drew a house on the paper.
drawer [dr?:?] n. 抽屜
dream(dreamt, dreamt或-ed, -ed) [dri?m] n.&vt. 夢,夢想
have a day dream 做白日夢
dream of/about 夢想/夢見......
I dreamt of becoming a scientist when I waas young.
dress[dres] n.v. 女服,連衣裙;(統指)服裝;童裝;穿衣;穿著
近義詞辨析:dress / wear/ put on
dress 后面接人作賓語,意思是“給……穿衣服”。
wear 后面接衣服名詞,指狀態(tài),意思 是“穿著……”。
put on 側重于動作,后面接衣服名詞,意思 是“穿上......”
My son is old enough do dress himself.
It’s cold outside. Better put on more clothes.
dress oneself 自己穿衣服
The little girl is old enough to dress herself.
drink(drank, drunk) [dr??k] v.n. 喝,飲;飲料;喝酒
My uncle likes drinking beer.
drink up 喝光
drive(drove, driven) v. 駕駛,開(車);驅趕
In Britain,it is illegal to drive when you are drunk.(在英國喝醉了酒開車是違法的。)
driver[?dra?v?(r)] n. 司機,駕駛員
driving-license 駕照
driver’s license 駕照
drop [dr?p] n.v. 滴;掉下,落下;投遞;放棄
The bottle dropped and broke.
dry [dra?] v.a. 使……干;弄干;干的;干燥的
dry up 干涸
She sat in front of the fire to dry her wet clothes.
duck [d?k] n. 鴨子
dumpling [?d?mpl??] n. 餃子
during [?dju?r??; (US) ?d??r??] prep. 在……期間;在……過程中
on/off duty 值/不值班
DVD n.數字化視頻光盤(Digital Video Disk)
62932552/62932882 思源中高考學習中心
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